Monday, April 13, 2009

No, we're not dead...

...the forest of dead trees is UN-dead! F3 Anyway, this blog is currently dormant because of certain issues affecting posting, definitely not lack of content. We'll be back soon, after some Arr-eesh stuff are settled. But, in the meantime, here's something for you to see!

This really happened. The NPC shop really went out of stock.

Yes, it's all thanks to me! The result of a massive blue chair buying spree, (I bought about 500 blue chairs and dropped them madly at the Henesys and Kerning PQ lobbies) the Lith Harbour armour shops located in Bootes-1 through Bootes-4 had their stock of sky-blue wooden chairs depleted, and channel 5 was probably near it too.

Hahas. This proves that NPC shops actually DON'T have unlimited items!

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