Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Inspector is here...

(Dark, overcast sky, with bottom of a large cumulonimbus incus visible. Strong wind howling. Trees shake, leaves rustle and fly.)

Spooky, deep voice
The Cleansing begins... NOW!

(A mighty flash of lightning, then unbelievably loud thunder. Then, all of a sudden, everything clears...)

(Brilliant blue sky. Fair weather cumulus drifts by, blown by cool summer winds. Camera zooms out, and...)

Welcome to Maplestory! Witness for yourself the birth of a new character! Let me make it clear that though this blog is striking out at Maple's dialogs, I am in no way discouraging you from playing it. Right now, I'm creating my new character, whose journey through Maple World and interactions with NPCs and other sources of in-game text I will document and straighten. And oho, I already have my work cut out for me with one glance at the character creation page.

Okay, what do we have here? 'No recommendable job' for 'current status'? Technically, the text above is correct, (recommendable is a word) but... Bit the clunky. As for 'status,' I think it was supposed to mean stats? My turn!

'Your current stats are not recommended for any job. Try your luck with another set by rolling the dice again.'

Okay, so we roll again.

Ooh! How nice! The pathetic algorithm for recommending jobs has just given a recommendation! I believe that it uses the highest stat to do so, therefore getting multiple identical stats would give the above null recommendation. Anyway, since DEX is greatest now, the algorithm recommends a ranged class. Note that these are not the only ranged classes.

Wow! They didn't even use a full sentence this time! And what does dexterity have to do with concentration? Hmm, I do admit there is a bit of a link... Whatever. Here goes.

'Dexterity goes a long way for ranged classes. Having a bit of strength is essential too, of course.'

Poof! Another roll! This time, INT is prime and the recommendation is now to be a mage! (This is my main's class, by the way.) Once again, not a full sentence.

'With great intellect one is able to tap into his innate magical abilities to the fullest. You have to be lucky too, though.'

I like this one.

The final two first job classes, the warrior and infighter. Both being melee classes, strengh is paramount.

'With strength one can jump straight into the melee, but some dexterity is needed or you'd just be flailing around.'

Finally, after you're done with creating your character you select it to play! Here, check out he who will continue the struggle against bad dialog inside Maple itself, JYxBadDialog!

He's an infighter, by the way. Note that I took this screenie rather late, so he's already level 5, and you can see someone else beside him... And someone else... You'll find out more about them next time. Right now, we double click our character to select it...

Pow! You run into an obstruction. Depending on whether you have set the second password you might or might not see this, but since everyone would have when the logged in for the first time after it came out, it does have quite high exposure. Hence, I will set this straight too, before I knock off to go to sleep. It's late.

'Would you like to set a second password? The second password will be required to select a character after logging into your account.'

By the way, I don't like the second password. I don't want to set the second password. They should let you turn it off. But I'm not telling you not to set it either; it's your own choice. I do think it provides a significantly greater level of security with the soft keyboard, unless you use the same password as your first one. In that case... Never mind.

Goodnight now!

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