Saturday, May 9, 2009

For Marken:

Check out the last three lines in the grey area :D

Monday, May 4, 2009


aka focusing, for the eyes. The Forest of Dead Trees is going to pull out its scope, to become a Maple blog instead of purely dialog corrections. So here's a random pic to start off this new age which non-Maple players should go F6 at:


MPQ: Juliet

Just for you people to laugh at. Especially Lit guys. I think Romeo says the same.

Monday, April 13, 2009

No, we're not dead...

...the forest of dead trees is UN-dead! F3 Anyway, this blog is currently dormant because of certain issues affecting posting, definitely not lack of content. We'll be back soon, after some Arr-eesh stuff are settled. But, in the meantime, here's something for you to see!

This really happened. The NPC shop really went out of stock.

Yes, it's all thanks to me! The result of a massive blue chair buying spree, (I bought about 500 blue chairs and dropped them madly at the Henesys and Kerning PQ lobbies) the Lith Harbour armour shops located in Bootes-1 through Bootes-4 had their stock of sky-blue wooden chairs depleted, and channel 5 was probably near it too.

Hahas. This proves that NPC shops actually DON'T have unlimited items!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Heena and Sera

Sound familiar? Well, those are the names of the first two NPCs you'll ever meet in Maple World! Well, actually that depends on whether or not you view the Maple Administrator who appears in your first ever dialog box as an NPC. Which reminds me. I don't have that screenie. But what I do have, and am presenting, are Heena and Sera! Because JYxBadDialog is back! Hooray! This is his journey through the first ever map you'll find yourself in in Maple World, the West Entrance to Mushroom Town!

This is Heena, presenting to you your first ever quest. It's changed since I first played Maple way back at version 0.16, when you had to bring a mirror from Sera to Heena.

After this, you walk over to Sera...


And get sent off to the next map! This tutorial, as you can see, basically teaches you how to talk to NPCs as well as go through portals, as well as a bit about movement and the interface. At least that's what it's supposed to do. Let's find out if it succeeds in it's purpose. I'll be writing out all the dialog, in case you can't see the pictures for some reason.

Wow, it's a lot to type out. Typing prac! Let's put my noob typing speed of 96wpm compared to Chops to the test!

(On first speaking to her)
'You must be a new traveller. I will give you new instructions which will be very useful. If you want to speak to us, you can simply just double-click us. You can move by pressing Left, Right Key and jump by pressing Space Bar. Come on~ Try! Also, sometimes, you have to climb up the ladder or use the rope to get to the destination, where you want. You can do that by pressing up arrow. Please keep this in mind.'

(Clicking on the quest)
'Hello there. You must be a newcomer. You name is... JYxBadDialog? Glad to meet you. I guess you're still unfamiliar with Maple World. Do not worry, we welcome you here with open arms.'

'Do you know how to talk to us? You just have to double click us with your mouse. You can talk to just about anyone or anything that us a small dialogue box when you move your mouse cursor over them.'

'Those with flashing bulbs bulbs above their heads are the ones with quests. They are probably waiting for you to talk to them, so do not hesitate to click.'

'Come to think of it, my sister Sera said that she wanted to talk to new travellers... If you don't mind, would you go and see Sera?'

(Upon accepting the quest)
'You've accepted the quest! First check the mini map on the left side of the screen. The mini map can be opened and closed with the M key, and people are indicated in various colours. The ones that are flashing green are the residents of Maple World.'

(After walking over to Sera and talking to her)
'It is a fine day to do the laundry~ Don't you think so?'

(Clicking on the quest)
'...oh, hello! You must be a newcomer. Heena must have told you about me. I'm so glad we met.'

'Maple World may be a small island, but I think it's really great that I can be the first to meet new travelers. I think there's nothing better than becoming friends with strangers. I hope you will make a lot of friends while you are here.'

'If you wish to proceed, please use the portal on the right. The shining ray of light is called a portal. You can travel by standing on it and pressing the up arrow key. Farewell, now... I hope your future is bright.'

Okay, it's a long post. My part will come later. But as you can see, these really aren't TOO bad, compared to other pieces of dialogue... Must be to make a good impression. With my help, Maple can make an even better one!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Pretty recent, the pirate class, and yet they still fail with the out of bullets message...

'You do not have enough bullets that are needed for this skill.'
Okay, I admit that it's not too bad. But I still think that 'You do not have enough bullets to use this skill' would be better.
Oh and by the way, this isn't my gunslinger. Just another of many, many guest appearances you can expect.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well, I spent quite a lot of time today on housekeeping, mainly making it more JY-ish. You'll notice the changes. Especially when you couldn't find your way here after I changed the link. Anyway, today my cleric makes a guest appearance presenting Lenario, Guild Alliance Admin! *Clapclaps!*


1. 'Tell me about what guild union is.'

Redundant word. Remove one of them, and things should be okay. I would go with 'Tell me more about guild unions.'

2. 'How can I create guild union?'

Try 'How can I form a guild union?' Form seems to go better with a union, and simple grammar involving the article 'a'. Yes, I know I overlooked it above. It's just that there's not much point pointing this problem out all the time. It's especially rampant in Maple. And that's already an understatement.

3. I want to create guild union.'

'I wish to form a guild union, please.' More polite too.

4. 'I want to expand the number of guild union'

Ignoring the mundane grammatical mistakes, the statement seems to imply changing the total number of guild unions there are. The real meaning of expanding your guild union to include more guilds seems rather hard to see. How about 'I wish to expand my guild union, please.' Same rationale as above.

5. 'I want to break up the guild union.'

'I wish to disband my guild union.'

After selecting the first option above, 'Tell me about what guild union is.'
The next screen 
And next
And last

1. 'Group of many guilds join together as one group is called guild union. I'm in charge of managing guild unions.'

A classic example of Maple grammar. Fail almost everywhere. As I will say a lot, my work is cut out for me.

'Is your guild not enough for you? Wish to be part of a bigger, yet still as close, unit? Band together with other guilds and form a guild union! I, Lenario, manager of guild unions, can help you do so!'

F3. What's wrong with a little artistic license? If I just corrected the mistakes there would be no fun.

2. 'It requires at least 2 guild master joind as a party in order to create guild union. Party leader will become the guild union master.'

Forgetting plural forms! *Shakes head* And spelling!

'To create a guild union, you must form a party with at least one other guild master. The party leader will become the master of the guild union.'

3. 'Once there are 2 guild master, than you need 5,000,000 meso, which is the service fee to register the guild union.'

Spelling mistakes. Tsk tsk tsk.

'The participating guild masters must also raise 5,000,000 mesos, which is the registration fee for a guild union.'

I suggest that this be merged with the former screen.

4. 'And one more thing! You can't create the guild union if you've already joined other guild union.'

'One last thing, although it's really quite basic. You cannot be part of more than one guild union at a time, so you cannot be involved in the formation of a new guild union if you are already part of one.'

Okay, after this most of the other dialogs were okay, or at least I think so since I didn't take screenies of them. But there's one more...

From 'I want to expand the number of guild union'

'Only guild union master can extend the number of guild can join.'

I got this message because I was not a guild union master when I clicked on the option. But at least I discovered it. Whatever it means of course. Let me make it clearer.

'Only the master of a guild union can increase the quota for the number of guilds in a guild union'

This has to be a generic message, because the Maple engine will display this message to everyone who is not a guild union master.

Well, that's all for today! Look out for more, and the site will be looking much better too!